
What is your situation regarding your professional objective?

Carefully answer the following questions. In this way, you will follow the most appropriate thought processes in order to set yourself a new professional goal.

What do you do well?
Activities that you are good at, which people around you appreciate and would highlight. Ask them.
What do you like doing?
What are your interests, what motivates you, what inspires you? Keep in mind that we spend many hours and lots of energy at work.
What are you like?
What are your values and beliefs? Undoubtedly, some features of your personality define you better as a professional.
For example: are you creative? Do you like order? Are you an extravert?
Your ideal job
With the answers to the previous questions, you can find jobs that are ideal for your profile, as they align with your interests, your skills and your knowledge. Make an initial list of these jobs.
The labour market
Using this information, you should search the vacancies currently on offer in the labour market. Check the profiles they are looking for, as well as the knowledge, experience and competencies.
Your professional goal
A professional objective is the clear and specific definition of what job you want to do. Jobs that the market is offering and that are aligned with your professional profile, your interests and your skills.

If your profile does not conform to your professional objective, you must put a plan in place in order to improve your profile. This imbalance may be due to differences in your interests, competencies, knowledge or experience you have accumulated to date.

Market research

If your interests do not match what the market is seeking, look for alternatives. Consider jobs that can partially fit with your interests, thus modifying your professional goal. For example: maybe the job market does not require people expert in Hebrew, but you can find opportunities as a tourist guide in the Jewish quarter of your city.


If you do not have all the competencies that are asked for or not at the level required, remember that you can train. Knowing your current competency profile and setting an improvement plan is key.

Training and Education

If you don’t have the education required by the market, remember that there are many training and resources available to you, from formal education to specific or occupational training. Before deciding, evaluate what each one will provide you with and what professional opportunities it will create. Some training will result in you becoming employable faster than others.


If you still don’t have the necessary experience, a period of work experience in a new occupation means you can put this initial job training on your CV. Take advantage and utilise your skills and knowledge that perhaps, previously, had been at a more theoretical level. Another option is to find jobs that require fewer qualifications which can be provided with this initial experience.

Your profile conforms to your professional goal, but you can’t find a job. In this case, it is advisable to review your job search plan to find possible errors.

Labour market

If you do not find offers maybe it is because there aren’t any on the market or that your professional objective is unrealistic. In this case, it will be necessary to re-establish a new professional goal. But first make sure you are using the right channels. Depending on the sector you are targeting and your goal, some channels will be more effective than others.

Research channels

If you’re not finding many offers, you can strengthen the channels. There are many: internet portals, job centres, recruitment companies etc. And do not forget about unsolicited applications and your network of contacts. If you combine them all, you’ll get better results. Also, note that there are specialist channels for specific sectors. If you can’t find the position using all of these, then it will be a sign that there is not much demand in the market.

Presentation tools

If you find offers, apply, but you can’t get through the selection process, you should review your presentation tools. It is important that you review your model of CV and the application letter that you submit, as it is likely that they are not transmitting the appropriate image for your profile.


If you get through the selection process, but do not pass the interview, you need to train for them. It is the moment when you can show and explain your skills, strengthen and enrich what is stated on your CV and present a strong candidature. Preparing for them carefully and training for them can be very useful.